Useful Websites for Parents and Teachers

  • ADDitude

    ADDitude is a consumer-focused website designed to provide support and resources for children and adults with ADD and learning disabilities. Resources include online information about the disorder, expert answers, tools, which include a service directory, book reviews and podcasts, blogs, news and more.

  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)

    A great resource for addressing any number of psychiatric disorders in children associated with ADHD.

  • All Kinds of Minds

    This Web site offers an online newsletter to support learning disabilities. The site is a great resource for information on characteristics of students with learning disabilities.

  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

    The website provides information on a variety of childhood disorders.

  • Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)

    A good resource for information on ADHD related subjects. They also provide resource for referral to professional and support groups.

  • Behavior Management
  • Bipolar Child Newsletter

    Newsletter Articles written for parents and educators about new developments in the field of early-onset bipolar disorder and the medications used to treat the condition. The newsletter is distributed for free and has a subscription list of more than 24,000 parents and professionals.

  • CDC, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

    This link goes directly to the Centers for Disease Control’s information and statistics on ADHD. This includes a report on the prevalence of diagnosed and medicated ADHD as well as information on the disorder, a health perspective, research, child development and more.

  • CEC Division of Early Childhood

    This is a division of the Council for Exceptional Children, which advocates for individuals who work with and on behalf of children with special needs from birth through age eight and their families.

  • Children and Adults with Attention/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)

    CHADD works to improve the lives of people with ADHD through education, advocacy, and support. The site includes factsheets, legislative information, research studies, and links.

  • Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning

    The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning is a national center focused on strengthening the capacity of childcare and Head Start programs to improve the social and emotional outcomes of young children. Training resources are available to download in both English and Spanish.


    A parent/form message board that provides resources and information on oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and ADHD.

  • Council for Exceptional Children

    The Council of Exceptional Children site is a national resource for educators and parents. The Web site has articles and news along with an extensive store with books for teachers, parents, and students with disabilities.

  • eMedicineHealth

    eMedicineHealth’s Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder link provides additional information on the disorder, such as symptoms, medical treatments, support groups and more.

  • Focus Adolescent Services

    A clearing house for links, referrals to organizations, books, residential programs for teens, and much more. There is a Lot of information on parenting style and methods, as well as behavioral problems and other adolescent issues.

  • HealthTalk: ADHD

    HealthTalk: ADHD provides an interactive web site for information about ADHD. Features include radio, blogs, podcasts, live shows and replays of shows related to the topic.

  • Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation (JBRF)

    Highlights include a bipolar screening inventory, information on new research, and an educational forum for parents, educators, and other professionals to promote a better understanding of the educational challenges that confront children with juvenile-onset bipolar disorder.

  • LD OnLine

    LD OnLine website provides information and advicea bout ADHD for parents, teachers and professionals. It features articles, columns, essays, interactive tools, forums, resources and more.

  • Learning Disability Association

    This site is a highly informative resource for teachers, parents and students with learning disabilities. The site contains numerous articles and links to support individuals with learning differences.

  • Learning Disability Association of America (LDA)

    LDA’s purpose is to advance the education and general welfare of children who show handicaps of a perceptual, conceptual, or coordinative nature.

  • ADHD’s web section for ADHD provides an introduction to the condition, resources, news, Q & A, videos and more.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

    Support groups and advocacy. In particular, check on Child & Adolescent Action Center.

  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

    Part of the U.S. Public Health Service, involved in research into juvenile emotional, cognitive, and behavioral disorders.

  • National Center for Learning Disabilities

    The National Center for Learning Disabilities’ Web site contains sections for parents, advocates, teachers, and individuals with learning disabilities. This is an informative site with information on the latest research and on Response to Intervention models of early intervention.

  • NIMH: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    This web page from the National Institute of Mental Health includes an introduction, ADHD symptoms, causes, treatments, family issues and more. Users can also download the information in a PDF format.

  • PTM, Personal Task Manager

    Free (open source) but PC only and not as user friendly.

  • Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviors
  • Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviors for Young Children With Disabilities

    The purpose of this Web site is to discuss positive behavioral supports for young children who engage in challenging behaviors. The information on this Web site is intended to help families, caregivers, and service providers.

  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

    The Technical Assistance Center for PBIS has been established by the office of Special Education Program, U.S. Department of Education, to give schools capacity-building information and technical assistance for identifying, adapting, and sustaining effective, schoolwide disciplinary practices. The center provides information at the level of individual students, schools, and districts that schoolwide positive behavior intervention and supports are feasible and effective.

  • Positive Discipline
  • RescueTime

    Free to $9 per month.

  • Slife Web Time Management Software

    $5 or $10 per month.

  • Special Education Disabilities and Disorders

    The Web site provides a description of various disabilities.

  • Practical Ideas for Addressing Challenging Behaviors
  • Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Disorder

    This site defines the different types of ADHD and a proper learning environment.

  • Teaching LD

    The Division of Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children Web site has news and Web features for teachers and parents of individual with learning disabilities.

  • Unbound Potentials

    Organizational website to help with academic work.

  • WebMD ADD & ADHD Health Center

    WebMD’s ADD and ADHD information includes the latest headlines, articles, videos, blogs, discussion forums, common treatments, Q&A’s and more.